Integrated Transports
Welcome to Integrated Transports, LLC.
We are Nashville’s most respected and reliable courier service.
As we provide delivery services for medical and industrial clients in the greater Nashville area, we are constantly seeking responsible drivers for our fleet.
If you meet our requirements, we encourage you to apply today.
Please see below on how to apply. Thank you!
Bienvenido a Integrated Transports, LLC.
Somos el servicio de mensajería más respetado y confiable de Nashville.
Como brindamos servicios de entrega para muchos clientes médicos e industriales en el área metropolitana de Nashville, buscamos a conductores responsables para nuestra flota.
Si cumple con nuestros requisitos, le invitamos a presentar su solicitud hoy. Véase a continuación cómo presentar su solicitud. ¡Gracias!
Welcome to Integrated Transports
Are you a cargo van or box truck owner/ operator looking for steady work in the greater Nashville, TN area?
Then look no further! As one of Nashville’s busiest courier services, we have many dedicated lanes that need drivers now.
If you are tired of waiting all day for low-paying loads from dispatchers, we can offer you steady work in the way of deliveries that need to be covered now.
Please fill out completely the driver contact form below and then download and sign our extended carrier packet.
We know that the time you take to do this will lead to steady work that translates to peace of mind and stability for you and your family.
If you have immediate questions, please take the time to fill out the contact form first.
Thank you!

Nos hacen falta buenos choferes
Driver contact form
Formulario de contacto
¿Busca trabajo estable para su furgoneta?
¿Es Ud. owner / operator de una furgoneta de carga o un camión de caja y busca un trabajo estable en el área metropolitana de Nashville, TN?
¡No busque más!
Siendo uno de los servicios de mensajería más respetados de Nashville, tenemos muchos carriles dedicados que necesitan conductores ahora.
Si Ud. está harto de esperar todo el día por cargas de bajo pago de los despachadores, podemos ofrecerle trabajo constante con nuestras entregas que deben ser atendidas desde ahora.
Por favor, rellene completamente el formulario de contacto del conductor a continuación y luego descargue y firme nuestro carrier packet de abajo.
Sabemos que el tiempo que dedique a hacer esto lo llevará a un trabajo estable que se traduce en tranquilidad y estabilidad para usted y su familia.
Si tiene preguntas inmediatas, tómese el tiempo de completar primero el formulario de contacto para que sepamos con quién hablamos y el equipo que tiene. ¡Gracias!
- Trabajo estable
- Empresa de confianza
- Dedicated lanes por todo Nashville

Why work with us? ¿Por que trabajar con nosotros?
Because we have dedicated lanes that need to be covered on a daily basis and are constantly growing, we are in need of reliable drivers on an ongoing basis. This means steady income and peace of mind for our drivers!
Debido a que tenemos carriles exclusivos que deben cubrirse a diario y están en constante crecimiento, necesitamos conductores confiables. ¡Esto significa ingresos estables y tranquilidad para nuestros choferes.

Local dedicated routes and long distance deliveries
We have both local dedicated lanes as well as long distance runs.

Tenemos carriles dedicados y entregas por otros estados
Usted puede contar con entregas locales y e incluso cargas a otros estados.

We need you!
If you are reliable and have a good driving record we want you to roll with us!
Company overview
Headquartered in Nashville, TN, Integrated Transports, LLC has been providing trucking and logistics services to its customers nationwide.
Our offering of services serves as an umbrella allowing us to implement a turn-key approach to any facility we are serving. Integrated Transports, LLC understands the logistics required in coordination of facilities support.
We aim to streamline these service while continuing to grow and match the Increasing needs of our customers.
Technical services
To meet the growing demand for trucking and logistic services Integrated Transports, LLC can provide services in the following areas: General Freight Trucking (local and long distance,) Specialized freight, and Fixed and additional logistical and coordination services.
We are here to serve numerous clients in Nashville and throughout the lower 48 states.
Dedicated lanes mean ongoing stable work for you. Instead of waiting all day for a load, you can get up in the morning knowing where you are going and when!
Los carriles dedicados significan un trabajo estable y continuo para usted.
¡En lugar de esperar todo el día por una carga, puede levantarse por la mañana sabiendo a dónde va y cuándo!
Yes, we have dedicated lanes and routes in other cities. Our main focus is in the Tennessee area, but contact us today to see if we’re in your area
Sí, tenemos carriles y rutas dedicadas en otras ciudades. Nuestro enfoque principal está en el área de Tennessee, pero contáctenos hoy para ver si estamos en su área.
We hire owner-operators who have their own vehicle and drivers looking for an opportunity to grow with us while driving our vehicles.
Contratamos a propietarios-operadores que tienen su propio vehículo y conductores que buscan una oportunidad de crecer con nosotros mientras conducen nuestros vehículos.
Latest News

Integrated Transports, LLC in Nashville, launches their new website!
In order to serve their clients better and to simplify onboarding of new drivers, Integrated tranports is proud to launch their new website at: This allows new drivers to quickly apply and be accepted into their rapidly-growing fleet!
Latest News

Integrated Transports, LLC is expanding
Due to the high demand for its courier and logistical services, Integrated Transports, LLC is recruiting new drivers to join their fleet. Specializing in medical and industrial logistics in the Nashville area, drivers who live nearby are encouraged to visit their website to apply!

Have a question now?
¿Tiene Ud. alguna pregunta?
Please fill out contact form before calling us, thanks!
Por favor rellene el forumulario de contacto antes de llamar. Gracias.